Chris Christie shadows candidate Donald Trump
Former New Jersey governor angling for VP slot, 2016
Donald Trump and Chris Christie press event
Donald Trump wows Iowans in Council Bluffs
Hillary Clinton takes her campaign to Newton, Iowa
Texans greet Hillary Clinton in Austin
Elizabeth Warren test the waters in Austin

President Obama visits Torchy's Tacos, Austin
During appearance at SXSW
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions visits Austin
Sid Miller at 2018 GOP Convention
Ag Commissioner Sid Miller with Evan Smith
U.S. Sen. John Cornyn after voting, east Austin
2018 March primary
Rick Perry announces a run for President

Gov. Rick Perry reviews National Guard troops
LBJ's Mark Updegrove interviews Joe Biden
October 3, 2017 in front of a full house at the LBJ Library
Joe Biden at LBJ Library
Austin October 3, 2017: Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden speaks on current events at an LBJ Library lecture at the University of Texas.
Ted Cruz takes his campaign to Iowa
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz at 2018 GOP Convention
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz visits east Austin, 2018
Talks with home school parents about 2018 general election.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz with "Green Eggs & Ham"
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz with fan at 2018 GOP Convention
CIA's John Brennan speaks at UT
Talks on conflicts with new Trump administration
President George Bush and Barbara Bush at Texas A&M
Sid Miller-Trey Blocker Debate
Serious JoAnn Fleming of Grassroots America moderates debate.
Candidate Lupe Valdez
Campaigning at Scholtz Garten, Austin
Gov. Greg Abbott after voting
2018 March primary in rainy southwest Austin
Audrey Abbott with dad at gun range